There are certain films which you do not judge as a whole. Instead, you
sit through them and measure your 'experience per sequence!'
These are films that require you NOT to reason. One sequence
follows another and no matter how illogical or obnoxious it may seem, all you
have to do is to note whether you are being entertained or not.

Rohit Shetty has made these kind of films. He is not at all
apologetic about it and makes no claims of being a classic filmmaker for
the intelligentsia. If he is being so honest and upfront it is downright
moronic of whoever looks to find meaning in his cinema. Why critics search for
“Nuances” and “Character layering” in Shetty’s films is beyond me?! What is
further atrocious is the critics’ knee jerk reaction to look down upon anything
that does not have long silences or subtle colors! The moment any film is colorful, loud and jingoistic- the critics find it below themselves to like it. Its a risk they prefer to avoid! Alas…

Chennai Express is a fun film. Whether it is good or not
depends entirely on what kind of mood you are in and how open you are to react
to jokes! If you go in the hall with as much honesty of expectations as Shetty
makes his comic capers with then you shall come out satisfied. For on all counts
that Rohit Shetty has promised… he has delivered and much more.
I was entertained. I enjoyed the buffoonery of Shah Rukh
Khan, I loved the cuteness of Deepika, I laughed at the gags, tapped my feet at
the songs and flinched at the fights and what’s more is that I found nothing
forced; making the “much more” part completely justified!
Get on the train baby... but travel light- no expectations! Your journey will be fun!
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