I am no critic... would never want to be! However i do watch films and here's where i react to them... find out if our reactions match...:)
It is precisely her positivity and exuberance that nauseates Dev leading to constant fights and unrest.
Maya(Rani) has married Rishi(Abhishekh) recently, although they have known each other since many years and Rishi has been in love with Maya, Maya isn’t very sure but has all the same taking the plunge and got married. Soon into the marriage she finds herself forced to comply to the duties and responsibilities of a wife…of a soul mate and she realizes that this marriage has been a compromise for her…suffoctating her everyday.(Although this is a realistic feeling; cinematically it does not come out that well making people wonder why is she so sad!!)
Under such circumstances Dev and Maya meet.
The common circumstances and their individual nature brings them closer and they fall in love but later realize the damage this love would be causing a lot of people. They know their love cannot be accepted but they know they cannot leave each other.
However their truth is soon found out by Rishi’s father (Amitabh Bachchan) and its from here that the climax begins wherein they confess their attraction to their partners-get separated from them but still do not tell this to each other, only after three years do they come to know as to how they are no more bound by relations and with consent from Rishi and Ria, they come together.